Precautionary Measures for Worship Service 


All who attend in-person, indoor worship services will need to adhere to these precautionary measures:

  • Masks optional.
  • Before you come, please go over the screening questions (see below*) for yourself and your household. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please join in the worship service via the live stream.
  • A designated “social distancing” section of the sanctuary is open for those who would like to sit distantly and mask. (masking required for this section).
  • If you believe you were exposed to a COVID+ person within 5 days prior to a worship service, you should participate through the New City South YouTube live-stream.
  • If you are sick (even if it is known not to be COVID-19) you should participate through the New City South YouTube live-stream option

*The screening questions for you and your household are. We are asking you to self-screen. You will need to be able to answer “no” to all of these questions to join the in-person worship service.

  • Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 48 hours:
    • fever or chills
    • new cough
    • difficulty breathing
    • muscle or body aches
    • new loss of taste or smell
    • sore throat
    • congestion or runny nose
    • vomiting or diarrhea