Kingdom Kids
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry
The New City South Nursery and Children’s Ministries exist to shepherd children from every ethnic group in and to the good news of Jesus by teaching, loving, and discipling so that they may worship and serve God in their youth with the hope that they may grow into adults who are devoted to loving Jesus.
We serve children from birth through 5th grade and aim to partner with families to raise up children who are committed to following Jesus and walking in God’s grace.
In addition to Sunday morning ministry, we hold events such as Parents’ Night Out and family fun events to further bless families.
Kingdom Kids doesn’t start at 10.30am, the start of worship, because we believe kids are a vital part of God’s family and want them to join with their older brothers and sisters in the Lord through singing, praying, seeing others get baptized, hearing ministry moments, and more.
At the break in the service, dismissal is announced.
Parents drop off nursery children at the break and pick them up at the end of worship. Parents must also pick up children K-1st grade children at the end of worship. Children in 2nd-5th grade are released to meet their parents/guardians at the end of worship.
There is are two rooms for ages 0-2 (walkers and crawlers) and one for ages 3-4. There are places for infants to nap and books and toys for all children to enjoy. The Pre-K nursery begins with a structured time of learning about God through lesson, activity, and song, followed by a time of free play in centers.
During the class time, we teach Biblical truth, create an atmosphere of dignity, maintain safety and security, set boundaries, and invite these kids to participate in Kingdom life.
Upstairs, Room 305
Upstairs, Room 300
Upstairs, Room 301
The Upper Elementary Class does not meet on the first Sunday of the month when they remain in the entire worship service with family
The Parent Resource Room is located on the upper level next to the Multi-Purpose Room. This is a place for parents to nurse in private, change a diaper, or check out a variety of books to help disciple children in the faith. Currently, this room is also being used as a nursery room during the preaching portion of the service.
We offer a 3-week Communicants’ Class as there is sufficient need and interest, at least 1-2 times per year. This class is for children, generally 3rd grade and above, and their parents/sponsors. It is a time for children to ask questions and to learn how to articulate and express their faith in preparation for taking the Lord’s Supper. Kids who are communicants are invited to take the Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of each month.
We try to offer 3-4 Friday or Saturday nights of FREE childcare each year as a way to bless families. We ask that families sign up to participate and volunteer to serve in this ministry after they have enjoyed 2-3 PNOs. We announce PNO in the bulletin and church email as well as through an Evite invitation. The next PNO is scheduled for Friday, December 8th from 5.30-8.30pm.
Check out our Kingdom Kids booklet available in the literature rack in the foyer or upstairs near the bulletin board or contact Nursery Coordinator Angela Finan ( or Children’s Ministry Coordinator Kristen Flores (